Public Record Of Ambassadors Of Rule Of Law

NameAlly Turnbull
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AddressNSW, Lake Macquarie
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A brief history of yourself and why you deem yourself fit to oversee standards of Rule of Law, and thus assist to maintain the liberties of the people, and freedom from tyranny.

I have witnessed and lived the removal of the sovereign rights of everyday Australians. The mis-truths and poor narrative of the governments and mainstream media has led to the mass psychosis of 70% of the people.
I am an educated person (accountant, complementary health practitioner, small business owner). I am well researched in a wide range of subjects. I am alarmed at what Australia has become, and how Australia has been sold off to the u.n. and the globalists. We know Australia is the test case for how far the people can be pushed, and what they will tolerate. I am becoming more involved in my local Freedom Fighter movement. I want my country back. I want the people involved in the current political agenda to be stopped. I want them to be held accountable for their greed, their treason, and, their disdain of the Sovereign People of this Nation and her inhabitants.

Enough is enough.

Stand up. Shout NO. We must save our children NOW. All lives matter. All lives need a voice.

I am also investigating common law sheriff training, as well as juror training.

Ally Turnbull

Date Created17/01/2022