Public Record Of Ambassadors Of Rule Of Law

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A brief history of yourself and why you deem yourself fit to oversee standards of Rule of Law, and thus assist to maintain the liberties of the people, and freedom from tyranny.

I have always been very intuitive and I believe it's my calling and why I am here at this particular pivotal time in history . History itself needs to be revisited and retold as we have been suppressed and told many lies. Truth needs to be liberated and not silenced.. Freedom is fundamental for humans to truly prosper ..I have always been curious and through research have come to awareness that I needed to first unlearn all the conditioning and social engeenering and go deep within . It was like going through the dark night of the soul but well worth the journey especially confronting the shadow sides. Many coincidences and uncanny experiences in life led me to a deeper understanding of how the universe works and our connection to all that is , was and will be . I see my self as a heyoka and a Warrior for love , freedom and truth .. As Tesla said all is energy frequency and vibrations and love resonates with high vibrations ...... Love is universal

Date Created02/12/2021