Public Record Form A

Reference NumberSM/012022
Your Copyrighted NameSharon Morrison
Your Email (required)Email hidden; Javascript is required.
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?Not for Profit Health Service Provider
Corporation NameAustralian Red Cross Lifeblood (operating under the registered ABN of Australian Red Cross Society)
CEO Of The CorporationShelly Park
Employee ID111340
Employee NameSharon Morrison
Further details of offence

Harassment, Bullying, Coercion tactics by way of regular communications including e-mails, Newsletters and discussions in person, from various staff members at different levels, to obtain Covid-19 vaccinations by specific dates, otherwise entry to work premises will be prohibited and employment will inevitably be terminated. Discrimination on the basis of vaccination status. Harassment to provide vaccination status.
All causing extreme anxiety.

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 10,000.00
Corporation EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What can this enterprise do to improve it's service to community?

1. Change of Policy. No discrimination on basis of vaccination status resulting in Termination of employees.

  • 1) Participating in the privately owned Covid19 agenda owned by the private corporation that calls itself the Australian Government.
  • 2) Participating in creating a 2 tiered society, also known as Slavery , and is a gross failure in Rule of Law: All Are Equal Before the Law. And thus facilitating a privately owned, foreign corporation to generate profits by forcing it's products into the bodies of the Australian people, whilst denying access to inherent resources such as the right to trade and freedom to travel.
  • 3) Having no comprehension of Law and falling victim to a private legal system, thus causing HARM and INJURY in community whilst supporting private profiteering.