Public Record Form A

Reference NumberWA Covid legislations
Time11:14 PM
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Choose Corporate StructurePublic Corporation:
Categories :Government Ministers
Corporation NameMc Gowan Government
CEO Of The CorporationMark McGowan
Employee IDPremier
Employee NameMcGowan, R Cook
Further details of offence

Please provide all the legislations you are relying on for the 'mandatory mask wearing' you have imposed on our society. And all the medical data you are relying on. Because we have mountains of data clearly outlining it as a fraud upon the well being of humanity.

In REAL law, not the fake, fictional garbage being rolled out with the fake covid plandemic, US Patent number 10130701 - a pribvately owned, manufactured bioweapon, there is no such thing as 'mandatory', unless one wants to be accountable for slavery: criminal code 270. 25 years jail.

Of all the choices one could make to maintain health, only a complete idiot would choose a mask. A tool well known to cause extreme harm to the individual and to be completely useless in this event. Proven over and over agin. Just as the PCR test is proven to be a complete farce.

Please provide all legislations, that this government is using to action the Covid Plan, with alleged authorities to conduct these 'rules' immediately.

The fact that NONE of the legislations are even on the website is some kind of sick delusion. You people are public servants, you work for us. You are not rulers. Now substantiate your actions immediately.

Never have I been so appalled to see such a dumbed down society as this Perth lockdown where everyone has just immediately slipped into mask wearing. Masks at the beach, masks jogging, masks out in fresh air. It is an acute level of stupidity and this government is answerable for it. Along with the disgusting education curriculum that creates a moronic society such as this.

I see this past week that Reading Eggs, accessing our youngest school children is promoting nano-robots for the blood to clean up viruses and then the doctor will take them out when they are done. This is complete brainwashing of a new generation with absolute garbage. Once those nonabots are in the body, there is no getting them out gain, and the trajectory for ill health and early death is acute. And you are accountable for that!

Get a grip on reality. You're liable. And we are highly educated in law and accountability.

Email the entire legislative process you are relying on by 5pm 29th April 2021.

And the newspaper heading 'The rush to keep Perth safe'... Fear mongering with complete rubbish.

Current weekend lockdown: estimated at $70M. That cost belongs to you. Disperse it out through Centrelink thanks.

Outrageous standards.

Thank you.

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 5,000.00
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What can this enterprise do to improve it's service to community?

1) Become transparent in it's actions.
2) Be responsible for dispersing real data and not fake data. There is mountains of real data to access.
3) Cease to create 'law' from powers it does not have
4) Cease violating basic human rights with it's profit generating actions.
5)Create a form so that anyone who has just been financially damaged from lost business due to this latest shutdown, can claim losses through Centrelink. We can create the form, since little faith in this private legal fiction called government.
6) Attend a round table where the fake data of this plandemic can be compared to the mountains of research available, globally, to support this as being the greatest fraud upon the planet.
7) Update the school curriculum as it is producing generations of idiots.
8) Hold accountability of main stream media for spinning covid plandemic brain washing into community.