Public Record Form A

Reference Number06062021
Your Copyrighted NameJoeline laurel Waywood
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Choose Corporate StructurePublic Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?corrections
Corporation NameLoddon Prison
CEO Of The CorporationCEO
Employee NameWasn't given
Further details of offence

rape pcr test coerced no valid consent threatened further torture punishment indefinitely, isolation, abuse, slavery, all human rights breached, held against his will, battery, kidnapping my property under Common law: Saeid Balagar All inalienable rights reserved, injuries complex ptsd and brain injuries, food poisoning, god knows what else in the tests, others around him shedding, return his dna and biometrics doesn't belong to any company

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 1,200,000.00
What can this enterprise do to improve it's service to community?

let Saeid go return home me, he's done no crime, so can detox everything and heal eating grassfed organic fresh food again as well as other quality for health.