Public Record Form A

Reference Number2017201820192020
Your Copyrighted NameJoeline laurel Waywood
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Categories :Other
What the other is?State government
Corporation NameVictoria Police
Employee NameKeilor Police Station
Further details of offence

I don't know exact date or time they have on record of sexual assault my brain is damaged, forcing me homeless again in number of days after PTSD, and sexual assault, continual stalking, break ins, things moved in our home, tying up my dog, poisoning my dog who's dead now from attacked his immune system then corona mail late or mail suspended for months, snooping, listening, saying things like he doesn't sleep until I start work early hours of morning, or listening to me shower, looking in windows him and others, entering property, spying, harassment, intimidation, 0 peace for 2 years, being paralyzed couldn't work nor get centrelink to go to appointments, was trapped, couldn't look elsewhere for home + due to mental state, disrupted our family and home prior from 2017-2019 and my work had reduced hours then stress and anxiety off work, then they threatened that landlord will go through my personal belongings with an order and yelled at me I victim in all this, breached personal safety order numerous times, police didn't do anything said normal behaviour each time or it's a grey area yet the man still entered I don't know how many times while I wasn't there and was within meters or send other men to do or be in way so couldn't leave while he on property, and he was a repeat offender he told me and had prior record with vcat. vicpolice idk, I have complex ptsd and other bi's now, many accidents, can't function normal daily things I need help, had help prior to AFP, they expecting woman on her own, no money from all happen to move a 3 bedroom full house who whilst was disabled from all crimes done, fear of rape or more crimes as were still being done, Vicpol knowing and Vicpol not following or respecting my safety or the court order whatsoever, men with guns could yell abuse me though not the perpetrator. Sexual assault and stalking is normal so is breaching, peace, safety, entering property or within a cple metres still at my windows or less

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 14,600,000.00
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What can this enterprise do to improve it's service to community?

Not any of the above against injured party / target of serious sexual violence and victim of other crimes. There is no replacing my baby either that was awful his immune affected no cure or could of been when he was tied up around neck already having neck fragile was sml unique special boy