Public Record Form A

Reference NumberKm5354
Time01:03 PM
Your Copyrighted NameKaren Malloch
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?Catholic school
Corporation NameCatholic education
CEO Of The CorporationJo Taylor
Employee NameKaren Malloch
Further details of offence

Pushing the mandate of vaccine to me and other employees by the 18th or I can't work. No jab no work.
I feel this against my human rights. I'm currently going to a mental health as I'm not coping with this situation of putting a substance in my body that could be detrimental to my health. No Dr will give me an exemption. So as of the 18th I can not be on site. I have explained my situation to the ceo and i was told the government had told them they must follow the mandate instructions.

What can this enterprise do to improve it's service to community?

Don't push the mandate it's people's choice