Public Record Form A

Reference Number3110
Time10:15 AM
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Categories :Other
What the other is?Healthcare
Corporation NameCentral Coast Local Health District NSW
CEO Of The CorporationBrad Astill
Employee ID60013277
Employee NameSusan Reynolds
Further details of offence

I Susan Gail Reynolds worked for Central Coast Local Health District for 9.5 years of which I was full-time as an RN for 8 years. I received an email from Brad Astill the acting CEO of CCLHD on 23/09/2021 stating that it was mandatory to have at least one mRNA covid vaccine by 30/09/2021. The acting g nurse manager had called me numerous times on my days off & left messages wanting to know if I had the vaccine. I did respond to her by text saying g I wanted this in email & I responded back in email with a 7 page letter from common law stating I did not & would not consent to this ad its unlawful & the vaccine was causing adverse injuries & death. I then worked a few days. On my days off I tried to log into my work emails from home but was not able to as the site said I was not authorised to do so. I was still full-time employed there so I rang the statewide service desk who confirmed I should be able to log in. This was on the morning of 29/09/2021. I phoned the people who do our pays & got a breakdown over phone of my annual leave & long service leave that I was owed. I called the acting manager ANUM who said I was still on the system & I explained I was not able to access this from home so I'd come in to work to access the websites. I spoke with the ANUM about what was now happening & asked what would happen if I came into work after the 30/09/2021. She said I would not be able to work as I would not be able to access anything on Thier websites as of 30/09/2021. U less I could show proof of vaccination. I informed her this was all unlawful & she she had to just follow what she was told. She said I would get an email in the future from work regarding this. I responded that it seems I was already unable to get my email s from the worksite as it wouldn't let me in. I asked to apply for annual leave & she didn't know if she was allowed to approve this. So I asked about taking g my 46 days of long service leave. She said she probably couldn't approve this. So I asked to use the computer in her office to show her I was having issues to log into the websites but she wouldn't let me saying she was bysy. I told her I'd check at the work library then & log in there. However when I tried to do this at the work library it wouldn't let me into the websites either. I went back to the ward I work Ed in & was able to log in & applied for a months annual leave but when I tried to get my work emails I was not able to open them so tried again to log into other seared on the system but was completely blocked out. I felt a bit panicked at this stage as how was I going to get any update on any correspondence if I was completely blocked out of the system & I was still employed full-time on this date 29/09/2021. This was around noon & the mandate hadn't even taken effect. I saw the ANUM & told her I was blocked out so asked for her email so I could send correspondence to her via my personal email. I felt very concerned at that time that I would now have issues getting paid what I was owed as it seemed that I was getting wiped off the work system. So that evening I sent a letter of resignation as I thought if I didn't do this then that I'd have chance to be able to get any monies owed to me. I stated that I wanted my pay within 7 days of which I am still not paid by them & I had a phone call by them saying g I'd get paid within a week after my next regular pay period. I am very drained by all of this & am unemployed now not earning an income & am living on savings as I don't want to apply for Centrelink as I have no trust in this government .

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 550.00
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