Public Record Form A

Reference Number10000001
Time02:38 PM
Your Copyrighted NameNo
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Choose Corporate StructurePublic Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?Public charity
CEO Of The CorporationLara Alexander
Further details of offence

On September 13, 2021 at approximately 1600, I walked into the New Norfolk Vinnies store situated at 44 High Street, New Norfolk in the hope of purchasing several items. As I had only visited this store on two previous occasions and found the staff there very helpful and accommodating I decided to shop there again.
After I walked in and began to walk down the centre aisle, I noticed that a woman behind the service counter watching me. I looked up to smile and say hello when she asked me had I checked in. I replied no and as I took another step she told me that I must check in. As she said this, another woman (employee of Vinnies) said to me that if I didn't check in I would not be served. I said to them that that was against the law to which the first woman stated, "They have changed the law" to which I responded with how can a law be changed as there needs to be a Proclamation date and a law cannot be enacted until after that date. She said to me, "Well they have." I said to her then I won't be buying anything here and that she will be charged. I left the store at approximately 1605.

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 10,000.00
What can this enterprise do to improve it's service to community?

Respect my rights and allow me to enter the store without the bullying to do a track and trace check in. Respect my right to have service from this store when I decline to check in.