Corporation Penalty for Job Losses

Did you lose your job because a government department, or a corporation, followed ‘directives’ – not Law – issued by the State Governments that if you did not inject the privately owned, profit generating, experimental, mRNA bioweapon into your body – temple of Great Spirit – that you would no longer have a job?

If you did, be clear this is completely lawless conduct in our communitiesand you are now free to issue injury against your former employer to the value of
$10 000 per day for the next 90 days.  Totaling a damages bill of $900 000 per individual, plus $100 000 for the extreme anxiety incurred by being coerced and blackmailed in the lead up to your dismissal.   Thus a total of $1 000 000 per individual.    If you would like to add additional damages, there is a box for you to do that.   If you are a small business and followed ‘directives’ because you were under threat of monstrous and ridiculous fines, you may direct your former employees to list their injury as ‘government’ inflicted.  You are absolved from any possible fine, because it is lawless conduct in our community.   You are instructed to follow law and cease promoting any dialogue or actions, or signs in relation to perpetuating this privately owned, well documented business model.    Yes, part of the business model is potential for extreme injury and death, plus a DNA rearrangement, courtesy of your local, privately owned, profit generating bioweapon manufacturer.     Corporations should expect to be bankrupted as a result,  and resources will move to ANTIC – Australian National Trustee Interim Committee, or whatever country you are in, where they will be restructured to serve We The People, and not a privately owned, profit generating bioweapon manufacturer and it’s associated ‘corporate governments’, issuing ‘directives’ and alleging them to be binding and lawful.  We call this an ‘Absurdity in Law’.

Please refer to all Orders issued since 23.9.2021, at which time there was a change of jurisdiction in Australia by We The People.

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